SmartSeries offers the simplicity of a complete portfolio in a single fund. Based on the target date closest to the year you plan to achieve your savings goal, SmartSeries follows a glide path that adjusts the underlying mix of investments and volatility over time.
Simply set your savings goal and let SmartSeries get you there.
- Professionally managed portfolios, offering a hassle-free investment
- Access to high-quality funds like Louisbourg Investments, CI Investments, Blackrock and Vanguard
- Flexibility to adjust target date if the goal changes over time
- Low maintenance as the funds are designed as a one-size-fits-all solution
By choosing the fund with the target date closest to the year you expect to reach your goal (i.e., retirement, new home, cottage, and so on), the fund’s investment mix becomes more conservative, minimizing risk as the target date approaches.
Use the following calculation to determine which SmartSeries fund is best suited for you.