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A wonderful serenity has taken possession of my entire soul, like these sweet mornings of spring which I enjoy with my whole heart

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Maurice Henri Presents Aquarelles sous la pluie at Assumption Gallery

1/25/2018 12:00:00 AM

The Assumption Gallery presents once again this January and February an exhibit by Maurice Henri titled Aquarelles sous la pluie (“Watercolours in the Rain”) featuring a collection of 12 colour photographs by the internationally renowned photographer.
“My camera is my voice,” says Mr. Henri. “I use it to find harmony in the interaction between light and shadow.” Aquarelles sous la pluie seeks to do just that while exploring a range of subjects in various colours depicted in the rain. His photographs communicate the inspiration he finds in the rain, which he uses to create striking works that play with the reflective colours shimmering against their dripping backdrop.
“Rain creates a dramatic ambiance and draws us into a meditative state,” the artist explains. “I wanted to depict the tranquil, magical aspect of the rain through use of dark, contrasting colours to generate a nucleus of calm amid the chaos of the wet and wind.”
His goal with this exhibit is to encourage visitors to step away and take a few moments to reflect and experience a deep sense of peace while they admire the beauty of the scenes depicted. “I find that my works are most successful when they create a sense of wonder, of mystery. I want them to make viewers feel as if they are catching a glimpse of a hidden world that they wouldn’t otherwise see. A world viewed through the eye of the camera.”
Above all, Mr. Henri strives to capture the essence of each moment in a single photo. According to the artist, the unique power of photography is that it brings elements of line, tone and form together as a single focal point for the brief instant during which the camera shutter is open.
“I create out of habit,” concludes Mr. Henri. “I create out of need. I create out of desire. My images reflect my interests. I seek to merge ambiance, feeling and light ‒ to me, these are the qualities that need to converge in order to convey the meaning of a photo.”
Maurice Henri lives in Moncton, where he was born and raised. He has been working full-time as a photographer since 1988. He is actively engaged on a global level through the organization Cameras for Healing, which he founded and has taken him to Africa, Colombia, Haiti and across Canada.
The Assumption Gallery displays paintings of contemporary, modern and popular art, works exploring traditional or folk themes, sculpture and photographs from professional Canadian artists. Six exhibits are presented annually, each two months in length. It is located at 770 Main Street, on the ground floor of the Assumption Place building, in Moncton.